In this article, I have tried to offer few solutions to remove this pinching and frustrating sound coming out of speakers and headphones. scroll below to find a suitable and right solution for you.
Change sample rate and bit depth of the speakers
The first solution you can apply is to set the settings of playback devices by going to Properties of it. Follow the steps below. Hopefully, this will solve your issue and high pinching sound will stop coming from speakers or headphones.
Run Playing Audio Troubleshooter
Running the troubleshooter can solve the issue with the high sound of speakers. Troubleshooter will find the issue and try to fix it automatically. Apply following steps.
Deselect “Listen To This Device” Option
Update Sound Driver
If your driver is not updated, you may face the pinching sound from speakers. So update your driver by going to the manufacturer site of your laptop. Or update it manually by applying following steps. Wash out the error of unusual sound and voice coming out from laptop’s speakers and headphones and listen to plain and pleasant voice by applying above suitable solutions. Hopefully, you will easily apply the steps to remove the issue. Also see:
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